Knocked Up

This is another favorite from my Prairie Independent days. I’ve always loved the conversational tone I found. Fun fact: it was almost rejected by the paper because the publisher was uncomfortable with my use of the term “dick flick.” Knocked Up . Hmm, I think a better title would have been Snuck Up because this baby snuck up on me twice. When I first heard the title, I thought, “Oh great, another stupid sex comedy about some guys spending every waking moment trying to get laid and then one of them has to deal with the nightmare of getting unlucky.” Then I noticed it was by the creator of Freaks and Geeks , a TV series I’ve loved completely ever since a friend loaned me her DVDs for a long road trip. That got me interested. (The fact that I disliked the 40-Year-Old Virgin didn’t deter my interest either.) So, I finally got around to seeing it with my wife and was pleasantly surprised. I loved every minute of it. From start to finish, I was either smiling or laughing or ...